Abbey Burgess

Abbey Burgess

Abbey Burgess is a senior in Trumbull College, double majoring in Theater Studies and English. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue directing professionally. Throughout her time at Yale, she served as the Yale Drama Coalition President for two years, and has directed seven shows. Abbey is incredibly passionate about empowering the female voice through her artistic work, as well as creating theater that fosters accessibility and diversity on stage, challenges social norms of inequality, and pushes boundaries.  

Grant Title: “Woman and Scarecrow: A Senior Project in Theater Studies” 

Abstract: Woman and Scarecrow, by Marina Carr, is a play in which a dying woman—mother to eight children and wife to an unfaithful husband—considers her failed struggles to gain agency in her own life. All of Carr’s plays are focused on the scholarship of women - often looking at the trap of domesticity and maternity for women  As a playwright, she has broken countless boundaries for female theater makers. 

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