Jillian Scheer

Jillian Scheer

Jillian Scheer is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS in the Yale School of Public Health. Jillian received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Boston College and has degrees in Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, and Sociology. Jillian’s program of research is on co-occurring epidemics (i.e., syndemics) surrounding sexual minority populations, including sexual minority women, with a particular focus on violence exposure and stigma-related stress (e.g., discrimination). 

Grant Title: “The Price of Stigma-Related Stress on Violence-Exposed Sexual Minority Women’s Mental Health and Coping Strategies” 

Abstract: Sexual minority women (SMW) are disproportionately exposed to trauma, including sexual assault, chronic and acute stressors stemming from societal devaluation of their sexual identity (i.e., minority stress), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This project aims to uncover trauma-exposed SMW’s unique needs and experiences.

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