Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
The WFF has a ten year history in responding to concerns about sexual harassment at Yale and helped to shape some of the resources available to the community today. Most notably in 2011, Yale founded the University Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) in response to recommendations in the 2009 WFF Report on Sexual Misconduct at Yale. The primary goal of this report was to help the University develop and appropriately implement effective policies and procedures to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct in accordance with best practices and applicable law. Since then, Yale has expanded its resources and policies for incidences of sexual harassment and misconduct:
The Title IX Office is provides many resources to students, faculty, and staff to address concerns relating to discrimination on the basis on sex or gender in all aspects of the educational process.
The Sexual Misconduct Response & Prevention website provides an overview of the University’s policies and the broad range of resources available to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct at Yale.
SHARE is available to undergraduate, graduate and professional school students at Yale who are dealing with sexual misconduct of any kind. Students can bring a variety of concerns to representatives. Often times, consultation occurs on the telephone. More often, that first phone call leads to meeting in person, exploring options for response, and working to make sure that the caller gets whatever ongoing assistance she or he needs. SHARE responders are Yale University mental health professionals. All calls to SHARE are confidential, and can be anonymous.
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The Yale Women Faculty Forum
205 Whitney Avenue, Suite 301B
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 436-2978
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