On September 6th, 2018, WFF released Title IX and the Yale Faculty: A Review, a report which analyzes the Yale Title IX office’s 2011-2017 public semi-annual reports involving Yale faculty. This analysis gives a glimpse into the dynamics of sexual misconduct across the University, the types of misconduct that are most prevalent, and the sanctions that are imposed when faculty members are respondents. Based on its review of the cases, the report proposes recommendations around reporting, culture, and sanctions to reduce harassment and to create a more professional, respectful environment so that every member of our community is held accountable for poor behavior that impedes good scholarship and undermines our shared values.
Below is an excerpt from the report which serves as an abstract:
In the past year, the #MeToo movement has raised public awareness and interest in sexual and gender harassment across a variety of industries and institutions. When comparing the academic workplace with other workplaces, a 2003 survey found that the academic workplace had the second highest rate of harassment, only behind the military (Ilies et al., 2003). The organizational hierarchy of the academy creates particular power asymmetries that leave certain populations vulnerable and others less likely to be sanctioned. Hierarchical rigidity, secrecy, and intense competition for resources create ideal conditions for harassment, bullying, and discrimination to occur, to be condoned, and to go unpunished.
This report examines the public case summaries which are included in the semi-annual reports of sexual misconduct at Yale University, produced by the Title IX Office since 2011. We propose recommendations in several areas based around the reporting and disciplinary process, particularly with a focus on harassment, which constitutes 80% of the cases examined.