A DAYCARE, PRESCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD for Parents and Children at the Calvin Hill Day Care Center on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 9:00am-11:00am. The Center is located at 150 Highland Street, New Haven (between Whitney Avenue and Prospect Street).
The Calvin Hill Day Care Center and Kitty Lustman-Findling Kindergarten are nationally accredited full-day programs for COMMUNITY AND UNIVERSITY FAMILIES. Tuition is set on a sliding scale according to income. The Center’s highly experienced early childhood teachers work with three separate groups of children ranging in age from young three year olds (Threes Program) to older three and four year olds (Preschool) and five to six year olds (Kindergarten). Calvin Hill is open from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. and also offers a summer program. The Center provides a rich and challenging program in a warm, diverse, and nurturing environment.
Come and meet our experienced teachers and current and past parents.
We ask those who plan to come to register for the visit by calling Calvin Hill Day Care Center at 203-764-9350. We strongly encourage families applying ONLY to the Threes Program (for children turning three between January and December 2018) to register for a specific time in order to avoid overcrowding. Please view our website at www.calvinhilldaycare.org. View the flyer for the event here.